Picture Books
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Illustrated by Gillian Flint
Nini loves everything about ballet--the sparkles, the costumes, the twirling! But in the spring there's only baseball practice. Baseball is nothing like ballet. Or is it?
Nini hates baseball. She hates that baseball is not ballet. She especially hates that Mom signed her up to play, but now she's stuck with the sport. Nini just can't bring herself to try. Her team starts to lose, but not even her teammates' disappointment will change her feelings. A pep talk from her coach and sparkly shoelaces help--a little. When Nini makes a game-winning catch using her ballet moves, she realizes that change might not be so bad after all, and ballet and baseball have more in common than she thought.
Charlesbridge Publishers, 2020

Starred review from Kirkus Reviews!
Captain's Log: Snowbound
Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler
A perfect choice for kids (and parents ) trapped inside on a snow day.
When his Ernest Shackleton report is ironically quashed because of a snowstorm, a school cancellation-celebrating elementary schooler chronicles his adventures at home with hilarious log entries and read-aloud-friendly results.
The Captain's (our young protagonist) belongings start to go missing while homebound due to weather, and humorous attacks and pell-mell mutiny follow. After a series of snow day events, the crew (the Captain's parents), the first mate (his trusty dog), and the scallywag (also known as the younger sibling) are freed from their snowbound home, and the Captain returns to school.
Kids will laugh at the Captain's battle with his siblings, and parents will relate to the antics that ensue when the weather prevents students from heading to class and upsets daily routines and schedules.
Charlesbridge Publishers, 2018